What We Do

Financial literacy is serious business. So are our solutions.

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Our problem statement


How can we build and help financial service providers deliver products and services that under-served customers will not only choose but use?


At Proshare Foundation, we have since found out that theories or popular opinions are not enough to determine the root cause of issues surrounding financial literacy and inclusion; hence research is at the center of our bespoke solution offerings to our target demographics. Research for us serves the purpose of gathering data and information from affected audience, uncovering, understanding and observing these targeted audience.

Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is often misunderstood to knowing the really big stuff. At the heart of it, it is all about understanding personal finance and how the foundational principles of personal finance can transcend across other areas of our everyday lives. Finance is a major part of human existence. An understanding of finance elevates even the most mundane and uneducated into being a solid contributor to family, community and nation at large.

Financial Inclusion

It is a fact that financial literacy brings about material impact on self , families, community and nation; the lack of it is widely dominant in developing nations. The lack of this is evident in the financial choices made by the vast majority of the populace. While the level of financial literacy varies across board in terms of education and income level, there is a disturbing population that has been excluded from the process of accessing financial products and services.


Proshare Foundation is a community driven not-for-profit organization. We lend our voice to causes that affect, influence and serve the public. Our advocacy projects are centered around public awareness on health-related issues, topical issues that support the fundamental rights of women, public service announcements and any other issues that align with our organizational goals.


The financial services sector is facing stiff digital disruption and it is evident that financial services landscape is changing drastically. With the advent of the fintech industry, block chain, data analytics and AI all lending to the way financial services operators are delivering on service. Disruption for us at Proshare Foundation is exploring ways to expand financial inclusion and using technology to cut down on operational costs.

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